Saturday, 22 June 2013

Things I've been Loving!

1. This is the cutest story EVER. It's like a real life fairy tale.

2. This is the most hilarious video ever! And sooooo true!

3. Is it wrong to like this so much?

4. I laughed so hard after seing this!

5. I NEED to see this because, um, Emma Watson!

6. OMG! These are adorable! I don't think I'd be able to eat them for fear of destroying the cuteness.

7. If you haven't read this book, you should. ASAP.

8. This  FREE Double Crossed pdf I was so happy to find!

9. These are so cool!

10. This intense arm workout! I plan on doing it again tonight!




  1. 1,) That really is the cutest story ever. I mean... just yes. <3

    4.) the ship my pants thing... my friend works at a kmart and she's always quoting that. lol

    6.) MINIONS

    8.) I LOVE Double Crossed. I wish she would a full length book, with both CREWS together. THAT WOULD BE EPIC.

    9.) Dinosaurs. Cool.

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog, Dare. It means a lot. :)

  2. Haha, the ship my pants ad is hilarious!
    Ooh and I'd love to see the bling ring starring Emma Watson.
    I have to make those Minions!!!!
    Cool post!
    Marian ^_^ x

  3. I've been trying to decide about Shatter Me. I might pick it up one day, it does sound interesting.

  4. Oh my gosh, I tried that arm work out. My arms are burning right now.
